Associate Board

Our goal is to make Club youth feel:




The Associate Board undertakes several volunteer and fundraising efforts throughout the year, including the annual Holiday Party where Club youth receive wrapped presents, an annual ice skating outing in Millenium Park and our Brewing Brighter Futures event at Lagunitas Brewery.

Associate Board members are local young professionals who share a common interest in making a difference in the life of a young person. We aim to prepare the next generation of communicaty leaders by stimulating greater awareness, involvement, and investment in the Union League Boys & Girls Clubs.

Join Our Associate Board

Become a member by contacting
Logan Heggemann at

Associate Board Directors

Margaret Jahn *

1st Vice President
Matt Bernardi

2nd Vice President
Marco Martino *

Jake Wilkoff

Ex Officio
Stacy Fleming *

Ex Officio
Cosmin Lucaci *

Catherine Bernardi

Thomas Bernardi

Peggy Boyer

Nate Cristea

Henry Del Cid

Christopher Hirst

Mohammad Ihmoud

Paul Jeffries

Andrew Jones*

Chris Lucaci

John McKay

Luis Pinedo

Dylan Reynolds

Erica Rickey

Lindsey Rosenfield

Brett Scheive

Alex Schmittlein

Forrest Sylvester

William Szura

Kaitlin Ventriglia

* Denotes Trustee